Development Environment

Defining, creating, using and maintaining a development environment

TensorFlow or PyTorch?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 08/02/2022 - 21:06

Tensorflow 2.0 with Keras (TF2) has been popular for deploying production-level machine learning applications, and PyTorch has been the favorite in classroooms. But PyTorch has been gaining ground on TensorFlow, which to use, and do you have to choose?

Firstly, you can't "mix" in TF2 to PyTorch programs because neither framework is purely python code, and they each have their own compiled C++ backends. Rather, pick one framework or the other for an application, to avoid having problematic conflicts in the CUDA environment.


What is a software environment?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 07/22/2022 - 03:42

A software environment consists of tools and data. Tools may include software such as:

  • Editors: emacs, Jupyter notebooks, Google Colab
  • Interpreters: Python, R, Perl, PHP
  • Version control applications: git, github
  • Testing platforms: travis, jenkins, PyTest, JUnit

 The data includes everything accessible by the software on disk, in memory, and accessible over the network, such as: